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An easily adjustable set of 104 keycaps

Фото автора: Dubyna OleksandrDubyna Oleksandr

Обновлено: 11 авг. 2021 г.

In modern society, people have got used to a comfortable environment in their workplaces, and especially, this issue becomes even more critical when it comes to typing. When people decide to buy a keyboard, they pay a lot of attention to the keycaps, shapes, sizes, slopes, materials, opacities. For many people, keycaps are very important as they come in all shapes, sizes, gradients, materials, opacities, and many more options. A lot of customers buying a new keyboard try to readjust their favorite keycaps.

We did our best to make it as suitable as possible in our keyboard for the standard set of 104 keycaps. You can use the traditional setting for most activities, and I am sure you will be satisfied. If you tend to get maximum comfort, we recommend updating the 1.5u (1.25u also will suit well) keys, of which we have six pcs on each half. It will add additional interactivity to the keyboard to make its use as comfortable as possible.

We are ready to offer three different button profiles: mechanical high, low, optical, analog and membrane.

A mechanical keyboard can provide an unbelievable typing experience. Mechanical keyboards are some of the most comfortable keyboards that you can find right now and provide feel and sound, and one can feel more fruitful and type better than the keyboard with flat keys.

Mechanical low-profile keyboards are pretty much faster for typing, but often they may lead to typing errors.

A membrane keyboard stands for the keyboard having its buttons without tactical feedback and less lifetime.

Gamers mainly use optical and analog switches, and such modifications will be released a bit later.

We provide a wide variety of options for each type of keyboard that will help you get the most convenient way to adjust and reuse your favorite keycaps with minimal updates in a twinkle of an eye.



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