Many of them require more sophisticated approaches to be more successful. To be in time for rapid changes, we decided to implement simultaneous press of all keys available for our keyboard.
You will not believe it, but our keyboard can handle all 100 keys pressed simultaneously. In real life, it's almost impossible to imagine how to squeeze more than 10 keys simultaneously. We tried to do our best to show how to use the benefits of this feature.
Let's look in a more realistic light, 2-10 simultaneous clicks will be helpful for everyone - gamers, developers, designers, journalists, and just advanced users. Now you will be able to reach unbelievably great results in your particular sphere because you will have no limits.
Software developers will also enjoy this feature, especially speaking about the leading key, 2, 3, and even 100 presses - different codes, macros, actions. You will be able to easily set complex behavioral macros where you can use mouse movement, pixels, and text input simultaneously.
If you want to add some additional functionality or actions, you can easily add it to a layer or a combination. Our keyboard will have enough memory for all your desires. Everything depends only on your imagination, do not hesitate and take this opportunity to try the unlimited possibilities of our keyboard.